Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump (1994)
Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump
Nahlédnutí do zákulisí při natáčení filmu Forrest Gump z roku 1994, který získal Oscara a režíroval ho Robert Zemeckis.
Obsazení filmu Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump
Herci: Robert Zemeckis, Wendy Finerman, Tom Hanks, Sally Field, Robin Wright, Ken Ralston, George Murphy, Mykelti Williamson, Gary Sinise, Stephen Rosenbaum, Steve Bolan, Peter Daulton Další herci , Linda Siegel, Leah Anton
Země: USA Jazyk: anglicky
Filmová společnost: Paramount
Galerie filmu Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump
Postavy filmu Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump
Vybrané postavy ve filmu Through the Eyes of Forrest Gump.
Robert Zemeckis
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Wendy Finerman
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Tom Hanks
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Sally Field
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Robin Wright
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Ken Ralston
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George Murphy
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Mykelti Williamson
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Gary Sinise
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Stephen Rosenbaum
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Steve Bolan
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Peter Daulton
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Linda Siegel
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Leah Anton
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